Good News!

HomeGood News!

Hey there,

I wanted to share something close to my heart with you. It’s about Jesus—and I hope you’ll read it with an open mind.

Life is full of highs and lows, joys and pains, but underneath it all, there’s a longing in all of us, a sense that something’s missing. We try to fill that void with success, relationships, or material things, but they always leave us wanting more. That’s because, deep down, we were made for something beyond what this world can offer.

The Bible says that God created us with love, to be in a relationship with Him. But sin, which is simply our decision to go our own way instead of God’s, created a barrier between us and Him. We’ve all messed up in some way—choosing pride, anger, selfishness, and so on. These things separate us from a perfect and holy God. But God didn’t just leave us in that place of separation; He had a rescue plan.

And this is where Jesus comes in. Jesus, God’s own Son, came to earth, fully human yet fully God. He lived a life without sin, showing us who God is through love, healing, and forgiveness. Then, in the ultimate act of love, He took on the punishment that we deserved. He died on the cross, but three days later, He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death once and for all. His sacrifice is like a bridge back to God—one we could never build ourselves.

Because of Jesus, anyone who believes in Him, who accepts this gift of grace, is forgiven and made new. You don’t have to earn it, change yourself first, or be perfect to receive it. It’s a free gift because God loves you right where you are. All you need to do is accept it.

So what does this mean? When you place your trust in Jesus, you’re not just securing a place in heaven one day. You’re starting a relationship with God now. He becomes your comforter, guide, and source of peace, even in life’s hardest moments. You’re part of a bigger purpose and story.

If this resonates with you, if you feel like you want to know more or take a step toward this, simply talk to God in your own words. Acknowledge where you’ve been and let Him know you want to put your trust in Jesus and follow Him.

And if you ever want to talk more about it, I’m here.

Know that you’re deeply loved and that this love is available to you, today and always.

Let’s continue this conversation. Email me at I’m more than happy to be a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. 

Hope to hear from you.



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